Term 4 Week 10 - Friday 10th December 2021
From our Principal
What an exciting week it has been at St Mary’s!
Our 3/4s have had an amazing camp experience. They have demonstrated resilience, respect and responsibility as they have participated in a range of challenging activities at Cave Hill Creek. The sleepover at school enabled students to collaborate with each other and support one another to be successful in spending a night away from home. I acknowledge the dedication and commitment of the 3/4 teaching team, Georgie, Jess and Steph, who supported the students with such kindness and enthusiasm. Congratulations to all involved!
Our Foundation, Grade 1 and 2 students have also had an exciting week. They celebrated the end of the year at the cinema and the gardens. For some of our students, it was the first time they have been to a cinema! By all accounts it was a fantastic day out and about!
Our 5/6 students have shown impressive organisational leadership during our BBQ lunches. All monies raised are donated to Catholic Mission. The 5/6 students have been responsible for all aspects of the project including cooking, advertising, ordering and money counting. It has been a rich learning experience for our students and they have risen to the challenge.
Our whole school transition day was a success. For some of our students, it is an exciting time of new beginnings and opportunities. For others, the change of teacher and classroom can create feelings of anxiety. Students were supported in meaningful ways to make a smooth ‘step-up’ to the next year level.
Student reports will be sent home next week. The Catholic Education Commission of Victoria have provided advice to Catholic schools so that there is a consistent approach to the reporting of student achievement and progress for Semester 2, 2021. These changes take into account the disruptions that COVID-19 has had to the school year. Since returning to onsite learning we have prioritised learning in the fundamental areas of English and Mathematics and Religious Education. Our reports will reflect student achievement and data collected in these areas in line with CECV requirements.
Grade 6 Graduation
Our Grade 6 graduation ceremony will be held on Tuesday 14th December at 6.00pm in the Davey Hub.
End Of Year Liturgy - Live Stream Details
At 10:30am on Wednesday 15th December we will be having our end of year liturgy at school. While we are unable to have families join us onsite, we welcome your attendance on Facebook Live on our St Mary's Primary School Ararat Facebook page. We will farewell our Grade 6 students, leaving staff and families, present scholarships and awards and offer a prayer of gratitude and appreciate the efforts of our community in an eventful year of ups and downs.
Please click on the link to join:
Congratulations Sister Maree!
This week marks Sister Maree's 60th year as a Brigidine Sister. What an achievement. She has dedicated most of her life to living a life of service and ministry. She spent 4 years during that time working at St Mary's School and is familiar to most of us through her work in our Parish.
Whole School Transition Day
Tuesday 14th December
Grade 6 Graduation @ 6.00pm - The Davey Hub
All parents/carers in attendance must be fully vaccinated. Please provide a copy of your vaccination certificate to the school office or email a copy to jpraag@smararat.catholic.edu.au prior to Tuesday please
Middle students to bring a spare change of clothes for PE
Wednesday 15th December
End of Year Liturgy @ 10.30am
We will be conducting the liturgy live on our Facebook page:
Senior students to bring a spare change of clothes for PE
Thursday 16th December
Grade 6 Big Day Out - Halls Gap
Students Last Day
Friday 17th December
Staff Last Day
Friday 28th January
Staff Return
Monday 31st January
Students Return
Wednesday 2nd February
Foundation Rest Day
Wednesday 9th February
Foundation Rest Day
Wednesday 16th February
Foundation students at school
Friday 18th February
School Closure Day (SWPBS Staff PD Day #2)
**Foundation students will have this day as their rest day**
Wednesday 23rd February
Foundation Rest Day
Wednesday 2nd March
Foundation Rest Day
Wednesday 9th March
Foundation Rest Day
Monday 14th March
Labour Day Public Holiday
Friday 1st April
School Closure Day (Staff PD - Enhancing our Educational Climate)
Wishing the following students a very happy birthday this week!
Angus G
St Mary's School Fees 2022
Please see below St Mary's school fees and direct debit requests for 2022. Hard copies of these forms will be sent home with students on their first day of school next year.
Unfortunately we were unable to schedule any swimming lessons in for our students this year, therefore a credit of $60 per student has been applied to all fee accounts. Some of these accounts will now be in credit. This credit will rollover and come off next year's school fees.
Any students finishing at the end of 2021 with a credit balance will be reimbursed. All fee payers that this affects will be contacted by Jane to obtain bank account details for a direct fund transfer.